Omg at the last pre-registered! 
Don't spill the beans dude 
I'll answer about this as I was involved in the process.
The mysterious guy was
Takashi Ogasawara.
Unfortunatly, I recieved an email from him yesterday, saying he finally can't make it

. Although he was very motivated to come (I believe he really enjoyed last year's edition, especially the final NTSC GP plays we all had with him on the last day), he said it was just too hard to get holidays on the exact days. He recently moved in a new company, and negociating holidays was too difficult this time. It's a shame, because it's been several weeks now that I was exchanging emails with him, dealing with the plane, the hotel and the train tickets as I did last year, and we both felt it was still possible. But in the end it is not possible this time. I understand him, because taking holidays in Japan is such a pain

. So, you can remove him from the list of participants, we wanted to keep it as a surprise, but it's no use anymore.
On a more positive note, he said he'll keep on karting, training, and he's still very motivated to meet us once again, so there's a good chance that we'll all meet again in the future, CDM 2015 is already in his sight.

So, keep on karting, and why not make a dedicace for him during the live of this year?